Saint Michael The Archangel
(Includes Novena + Prayer)
Saint Michael The Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel is the most revered archangel within the Church throughout history and today but his pre-eminence transcends the history of the Church. He is recognized among believers for being the guardian and protector of God’s church and people.
Today, we live in what seems to be an inward-looking, self-centered world. The path of the Church as a beacon of light in this world is strewn with humanity’s discarded morals. To grow in our faith and for the protection of the Church and all believers around the world, we need Saint Michael guidance more than ever.
In this guide, you will discover who is Saint Michael, learn about his story and how believers call on his intercession through St Michael novena and prayer.

Who is Saint Michael?
Saint Michael was known especially for his strength and courage, and many applaud him for his chivalry and determination to boldly fight for justice. He was essentially the perfect knight. He is often featured, more so than any other named angel in religious texts, and is the oldest angelic devotion.
You can know more about who is Saint Michael through his name, his image and also the offices he holds.
The Name Of Saint Michael
Saint Michael was a great leader of the angels in the war against Satan and his followers. His immortal name evolved from his outraged cry when the rebellious angel Lucifer dared to stand against God in the midst of the conflict of the heavenly hosts.
The name “Michael” translate from a question: “who is like God?”. Who, after all, could ever compare to God? And so it was – Saint Michael, a name which was to become synonymous through the centuries with a variety of roles but predominantly that of the Patron and Protector of the Church and the mighty Defender of the Faith.
The Image Of Saint Michael

Saint Michael the Archangel is represented in certain standard artistic ways. He has a halo, denoting his holiness, and is winged as most angels are and is often shown with a spear, sword, armor, banner, and/or scales.
The popular image of Saint Michael is one that shows him defeating Satan and evil. Often a horned, winged, Satan or dragon is being trampled under his foot and put to death. His face is fair and noble looking, and his entire pose is a peaceful and ethereal one.
The Office Of Saint Michael
As chief of the heavenly host among the angels, Saint Michael the Archangel has several offices within the Church.
1. Combatting Satan And Evil
The first office of Saint Michael the Archangel is to do battle against Satan, who is continually warring against God by trying to snatch souls away from Him.
Saint Michael was the first to challenge Lucifer, the first to do battle with him and the one to cast him out of Heaven. After Jesus, exorcists call on two main saints in their ministry: Our Lady (Saint Mary) and Saint Michael, as their assistance is most powerful.
2. Advocate Of The Dying
The second office of Saint Michael is to escort the faithful to Heaven safely at their hour of death.
Death is a time of great suffering, as it is when the soul is most vulnerable. Not only is the person undergoing the agony of having his soul separated from his body, it is also when the soul is most vulnerable to demonic attacks. Evil takes advantage of this time of suffering to attack the soul in order to tempt it to despair.
Saint Michael comes to the soul’s help, rescuing souls from the power of the enemy at time of death, especially if it has been a faithful soul during life. If the soul has lived a sinful life, tradition says Saint Michael appears to give the soul one final chance to repent before he is escorted to his judgment.
3. Protector And Defender Of Believers
As we have seen, Saint Michael has defended and protected believers throughout Old Testament times and protects Church today. In his role as Protector of the Church, Saint Michael is our guardian; the protector and defender of believers throughout the world.
Saint Michael the archangel is called upon to defend us from temptations and the daily onslaught of spiritual warfare. His vital role to protect souls against not only the malevolent spirits who would seek to possess them but of the humans who would do them harm during their lives on earth.
He was also patron of medieval knights during the Crusades to recapture Jerusalem from the Turks, and is guardian of the Blessed Sacrament in every tabernacle in the world. He is also the incense-bearer during every Mass, bearing up our prayers to God the Father.
4. Call Men To Heavenly Judgement
Finally, Saint Michael calls men from life and escort them to their particular judgment, whatever that might be. He is in fact the Angel of Death. In fiction and legend, the Angel of Death is depicted as a dark, menacing figure with a sickle, when in fact it is Saint Michael who is given power to cut down life according to God’s will and bring the soul before the judgment seat of God.
His fourth role is to call everyone to judgement at the end. Daily devotion to Saint Michael in this life will ensure he is waiting to receive your soul at the hour of your death and lead you to the Eternal Kingdom. The souls of all of the faithful are delivered by God to Saint Michael for him to bring to God on the Day of Judgment.
On reaching the judgment seat of Christ, Saint Michael will intercede on our behalf and beg for our forgiveness. The Church immortalizes the name of Saint Michael in its prayers for the dead.
What Is The Archangel Saint Michael Known For?
Aside the offices held mentioned above by him, Saint Michael the Archangel is known for being invoked for protection on various occasions. There had also been apparitions of him throughout the ages that often coincided with times of great healing, especially in the early ages of the Church. Below are 3 visions of Saint Michael:
Gregory The Great
In 590, a terrible plague hit the city of Rome. Pope Saint Gregory the Great led a procession through the streets as an act of penance, seeking the forgiveness of and atoning for sin.
At the castle of Saint Angelo, Saint Michael appeared holding a sword. He sheathed his sword indicating the end of the plague and the plague miraculously vanished. The Holy Father later built a chapel at the top of the tomb and to this day a large statue of Saint Michael rests there.
Joan Of Arc
St Joan famously attributed her victories against the English in the 15th century to Saint Michael who appeared to her in visions. Her first encounter with Saint Michael the archangel occurred as she tended her flock of sheep at the age of 13.
It was Saint Michael, along with Saints Catherine and Margaret, who were to be her guides throughout her short life.
The Vision Of Pope Leo XIII
On October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII completed mass along with his cardinals and without warning collapsed into a deep spiritual ecstasy. In those brief moments he experienced a terrifying vision of a confrontation between Jesus and Satan.
During this confrontation, he saw countless evil demons released from the depths of hell to fight against the church. Yet in the midst of this apocalyptic scene appeared Saint Michael, in his role as valiant warrior, casting the demons back into the depths of the pit once more.
For His Holiness Pope Leo, this was sufficient and incontrovertible proof of Saint Michael’s conquering powers.
As a result, he wrote the Leonine Exorcism which he ordered to be repeated at the end of every service of mass in every Church throughout the world. This honorary prayer remained in regular use until 1934 when it was replaced by an abbreviated prayer.
What Does Saint Michael Protect You From?
Saint Michael the Archangel has been and remains protector and friend to believers around the world, both today and through the centuries. From the earliest days of the Church, Christians have invoked Michael as patron, guardian, and leader as they faced difficulties and persecution.
He imbues us with virtue, he is obedient to God. He is a friend to all believers, who can pray to Saint Michael for help in the midst of personal struggles and on behalf of the Church during embattled times of spiritual warfare.
To grow spiritually, believers need to invoke Saint Michael as guardian of their souls and bodies on a daily basis. He can protect us through temptations, protect us from danger and gain God’s grace through his intercession.
Michael is also a patron saint of the sick, and is traditionally seen as a great healer. He is often invoked along with Jesus, Raphael, and other saints associated with healing physical maladies.
We can rely on him and trust him. We know that a life lived invoking him to be our intercessor and our guardian angel will bring us the ultimate promise of eternal life when the Day of Judgment arrives.
St Michael Novena And Prayer
On the feast day of St Michael, remember that God’s messengers guide you in your journey to everlasting life with our Father. We can say a St Michael prayer when we face temptation or pray a St Michael novena at least once a day over the course of 9 days for his intercession.
Feast & Patron Of
- Feast: Sept. 29th
- Patron of: grocers, soldiers, doctors, police, sickness, paramedics, Germany, Ukraine
St Michael Novena
Saint Michael the Archangel,
loyal champion of God and His People.
I turn to you with confidence
and seek your powerful intercession.
For the love of God,
Who made you so glorious in grace and power,
and for the love of the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of the Angels,
be pleased to hear our prayer.
You know the value of our souls in the eyes of God.
May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty.
Help us to conquer the evil spirit who tempts us.
We desire to imitate your loyalty to God and Holy Mother
and your great love for God and people.
And since you are God’s messenger for the care of His people,
we entrust to you these special intentions:
...your specific intentions are stated here….
Lord, hear and grant our special intentions for this Novena.
St Michael Prayer
As our protector saint, please be with us and those you are patron of, such as soldiers and police. guide and inspire them to protect the most vulnerable, be honest and unprejudiced, and act uprightly. Protect all lives involved, and help us establish better support for our communities.

Summary Of Saint Michael The Archangel
Saint Michael is one of the best loved of all saints in the Church tradition because of his strength and dedication to God. Many people make a daily practice of praying the “Saint Michael Prayer” which asks him to be a defender and protector. Saint Michael is a practical saint for all people because of his great example of tenacity to the will of God, as well as his love for good triumphing over evil.
As you pray with Saint Michael the Archangel, you’ll find him to be profoundly reliable and a trustworthy mentor, partner, and holy being.

Saints Prayer Miracle
was created to be a prayer circle for all believers who wish to pray for blessings and get daily devotionals from holy saints.
Saints didn’t live perfect lives, but they did learn how to lean on God, sow peace, and love others during their time on earth. We pray with the Saints as they desire to help us draw closer to God.
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